This is the optimisation of your website’s visibility in unpaid search results, resulting in you being ranked higher up the listings.

Being ranked higher delivers more visits to your website and in turn can improve the volume of sales you’re achieving. SEO is the practice of understanding how the search ranking algorithm works and how user search behaviour can uncover opportunities. This then develops into optimising your website to make the most of the two and bring more customers to your site.

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SEO Services

Site Audits | SEO Strategy | SEO Content | Local SEO | SEO Management

Site Audit

After an initial discovery and scoping session, we conduct a thorough SEO Audit for your business.  An SEO audit allows us to understand and report to you where your websites strengths and weaknesses are from an SEO perspective.  We can then create a winning strategy to start increasing your websites visibility efficiently. The audit also establishes the appropriate scope and resourcing required to achieve your search marketing objectives.

SEO Strategy

SEO is a long-term strategy approach which is undertaken incrementally starting with on-page hygiene factors then moving onto off-page growth areas. We review and optimise content currently on the website, recommend and develop new content, review the HTML code and ensure it is structured best for algorithms to interpret, ensure keyword density is appropriate and all pages are indexed and listed in the sitemap. Off-page activities include backlinks and inbound link management.

SEO Content

Developing engaging and hyper relevant content that helps your website rank is important.  Our team can develop keyword enriched SEO content curated with internal links for evergreen pages or blog articles.  You might be tempted to use AI for content writing, but search engines are starting to already crack down on AI generated content and it may not rank as well as custom created content.

Local SEO

As 46% of all google searches are looking for local information. Local SEO is becoming an increasingly important piece of any successful SEO strategy. Local SEO differs from standard SEO and requires its own strategy.

SEO Management

Whilst SEO results can take time with 6 months as the well documented rule,  SEO results are also driven by constant application, improvement, content and communication.  At Multi we do not believe in set and forget SEO. Ongoing SEO is important to get to the top and stay on top as:

  • Search algorithms constantly change.
  • Technology is changing constantly.
  • Website UX lifespans are shorter.
  • Users’ consumption is always changing

Having a SEO management plan keeps you at the forefront amongst these constant pressures and opportunities.


SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimisation” it’s primary focus is on optimising your websites organic optimisations.  Essentially the website listings underneath the paid ads.  SEM stands for “Search Engine Marketing” this primarily focuses on search paid ads.  People often confuse the two terms and use them interchangeably as a result.  A simple way to remember is SEO is organic listings and SEM is paid listings.

SEO is a service and hence the cost offered will depend on the agency and how much they charge for their services. 

Yes.  SEO often gets overlooked when building and maintaining a website.  Every business should at least ensure they have the basic principles of SEO applied to their website and depending on results consider further SEO development. Whereas Paid Ads delivers a one to one exchange as you pay cost per click.  A high ranking website can deliver a one to many return.  SEO also compliments SEM efforts as people trust organic results and the higher you are ranked can assist the paid ad and real estate your business takes up on the page.

SEO is a mid to long term strategy and it can take months before you see a movement to your rankings.  Depending on where you are ranking to begin with for certain keywords.  As you enter the top ten it is a competitive landscape, so you might see big jumps from really low ranking keywords once you apply SEO strategies, but the jump won’t be as pronounced for higher ranking keywords.

Search Engine Results Pages are the pages of results that appear for a user’s search on Google or another search engine.