General FAQs / Questions

A TARP is an acronym for ‘target audience rating point”. A TARP is the percentage of a specific target audience viewing a program at the time.

For example – an advertiser has a specific target audience women 25-39 and wants to know how a program performs for this target. If 21% of women 25-39 in Sydney watch Desperate Housewives we could also say that the TARP for the show in this market is 21.

Cost per TARP is simply the dollar cost of advertising within a program divided by the number of TARPs it will/does achieve.

For example – if Who Wants to be a Millionaire costs $4,000 for a 30 sec spot and achieves 8 TARPs against the specified target audience, then the Cost Per TARP (CPT) is: $500

Audience reach is a synonym for cumulative audience and refers to the number or proportion of different people (or households) reached at least once by a specified number of advertisements

The percentage of the target audience that is reached a specific number of times – an alternative definition to exclusive may be the % of viewers within a target audience who are reached by one specific programme or station and not a competitors.

Refers to the analysis (qualitative or quantitative) undertaken after the appearance of specified advertisements – assessment of an ad campaigns delivery

Basically, Linear TV is any television not view via the Internet It is the normal television we are used to watching commonly known as Broadcast TV. Linear TV is received via an aerial, satellite or cable.  Linear television is viewed live, or If you wish it can be “time-shifted” and is known as Playback TV and you watch it when you want.

This is normal television which comes to your set in the normal way, via an aerial, satellite of cable, and you watch it when it is broadcast live to your set.

Playback TV is also called Time Shifted TV viewing. This is when you record the program via your VCR, PVR or other recording device, and then you watch it later.

BVOD is an acronym for Broadcast Video On Demand.  Previously it was called Catch-up TV and it is the same product. BVOD is when you watch television online. It can be watched on a set-top box, computer, or mobile device.

SVOD is an acronym for Subscription Video On Demand. SVOD is a service where you have paid a subscription fee to watch content (Netflix, Stan etc). At present most SVOD suppliers don’t run advertising activity on the platforms or in program.

Live Streaming is when you watch television via the internet at the same time it is going to Air. So, when the programme is live on television, you watch it via the internet.

Connected TV is also known as a Smart TV.  It is a TV set that is connected to the internet, so that you can watch normal television, and you can play games, access social media and other services like BVOD/SVOD.


There are 8 radio surveys conducted each year by AC Nielsen within the metro markets.
Radio Surveys are done as a rolling average to try and gain the most accurate figures. Audience ‘interviewing’ is normally conducted from the third week of January to the last week of November


Television audiences are measured daily by set top boxes for 42 weeks of the year. The surveys are normally conducted between the 1st week of February and the last week of November – known as the ratings period.

Print Surveys are conducted quarterly

Roy Morgan (July 2019) shows 13.355 million Australians now have access to either Netflix or Foxtel via a household subscription

11.5 million Australians now have a household subscription to Netflix.

5 million have a household subscription to Foxtel.

And 3 million have access to both Netflix and Foxtel.

Currently no, however when this medium penetrates more homes it will more than likely happen (simply because the media is currently missing out on a lot of ad revenue by not being able to split markets)

An example of target advertising is a media campaign that refines the target audience by age, gender, location, and or a specific group of people who have a desired interest or activity that you want to reach.

The target market for television can be broken down both geographically by signal region and demographically. Different programs attract viewers of different demographics and a TV campaign can be bought to target the most desirable demographic target for your campaign.

Targeted content is content that has been created for a specific niche audience. The objective of that content is to drive a specifically desired response from that group of individuals. The targeted content can then be served or delivered to that specific audience through a variety of platforms.

Targeted digital advertising is a form of advertising that is directed to a specific audience who exhibit desirable traits, behaviors, interests, actions or demographics. The aim is to maximise the exposure of the message to the target audience and minimise wastage there-by improving ROI and efficiency.

Online Media Definitions

In the world of online media, many terms can be confusing and we hope this list of online terms and definitions helps you. Other terms will be added soon.

One appearance of an advertisement on a webpage is classed as one impression. Impressions are used to calculate the potential number of views an ad may receive.

In Digital a cookie is a message that is sent from a website (or web server) to a web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer). The cookie is stored in the web browser and used by the web server each time the browser requests an internet page from that server. They are often used by advertisers to create a cookie pool of people that have visited a particular site or group of sites.

Is an individual visitor to a particular website.

The term given to the page that a person is directed to in response to clicking on an advertisement.

Is the measurement, usually in percentage terms of the number of visitors to your site who view only the single page that they entered your site on. They do not navigate to other pages within your site. A high bounce rat typically indicates the content on the landing page is not relevant to the visitor or has little incentive to explore other areas of your site.

The process whereby advertisers use cookies to track the web behaviour past visitors to the advertisers website in order to serve them with advertisements elsewhere across the internet in an attempt to bring them back to the advertisers website.

Run of site is the term given to an advertising buy where the ad (banner etc.) can appear on any page within the bought website or network of websites.

Search engine marketing is the process of purchasing paid listings within search engine results in an attempt to increase traffic to a particular website. Google Ads is the most frequently used example.

Search engine optimisation is the process of improving the visibility of a website through the way in which it is built with the objective being to drive a greater volume of higher quality non-paid traffic to the site.

In search engine optimisation a backlink is a hyperlink that links from another web page back to your own website. These are important in establishing the perceived importance of your website to search engines, such as Google.

Click Tags are used in HTML 5 of banner ads to help advertisers measure the performance of their ad placements. A click tag is usually a redirect link that is used to count when a user clicks a link. It passes this data into an ad-server or he likes to measure click performance and help attribute potential conversions that resulted on a website to this ‘click’ event.

Small image often only 1 pixel in size, that is used to monitor the behaviour of visitors to a website or pages within a website.

In Digital CPC predominantly stands for Cost per click. This is the amount an advertiser has paid per click for an advertising placement

Cost per thousand (usually refers to impressions), amount paid per 1,000 impressions of served

CTR is an acronym for: Click through rate. CTR is the percentage ratio of how many clicks your campaign is delivering. It calculated by dividing the number of impression served by the number of clicks achieved.