Out-of-home advertising can be tedious to plan and execute due to the number of different providers in any given market. That’s why you need an experienced out of home advertising agency to save you time and maximise impact.

Multi Media has decades of OOH advertising experience buying every available format across Australia. This deep experience combined with our strong partnerships with the out of home networks ensures that every available format is not only considered but bought efficiently with precision. The out-of-home media landscape is very complex and nuanced as the network ownership of outdoor inventory in one given area is very imbricated. Whether you are planning a local area campaign or a broader reaching awareness campaign an experienced out of home advertising agency is key to efficient planning and success.

In a cord cutting world where younger audiences are getting harder to reach, out-of-home offers a solution to this problem. An out-of-home advertising agency like Multi Media has decades of experience, especially when it comes to complimenting OOH advertising with other media such as radio, digital or TV advertising.

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Out of Home Advertising Services:

  • Billboard Advertising
  • Transit Advertising
    • Bus Advertising
    • Bus Shelter Advertising
    • Taxi Advertising
    • Train Advertising
    • Ferry Advertising
  • Shopping Centre Advertising
  • Airport Advertising
  • Office Advertising
  • Scooter Advertising
  • University Advertising
  • Petrol Station Advertising

Billboard Advertising

Billboard Advertising is more than just your campaign on a massive scale. From roadside, shopping centres, airports, office buildings, cafés, rail, bus stops, and universities, there is a way to attract the attention of your audience right across Australia.

With many OOH suppliers now offering printed and digital solutions, refreshing and adjusting your campaign is seamless. Digital billboards allow for audience interaction which creates another mechanic from which we can gain further insights into how your customers relate to your brand and message.

We also have access to a unique reporting system that allows us to pinpoint the best locations to ensure we reach your ideal audience with accuracy and frequency.

Transit Advertising

Transit advertising includes advertising on buses, trains, taxis, ferries and bus shelters. Transit advertising offers the ability to be specific in localised targeting which can be the case with Bus Shelters and Train Stations or cast a slightly wider localised net with Buses and Taxi’s. Transit advertising offers a variety of impact or efficiency across the array of assets and options. For instance, a local business can advertise on the back of a bus with a metro back for an affordable price or make a statement with a showcase side or takeover. Whilst the “work from home” hybrid movement has somewhat changed the daily routines and traffic patterns in some cases, data shows that this has not changed the volume of reach that out of home still delivers.

Bus Advertising:

As billboards continue to digitise and offer agility in timing to market and creative, it has also meant the decline in static billboards where an advertiser used to have 100% share of voice as the only advertiser.  Bus Advertising offers 100% share of voice impact.  Bus ad targeting can be localised to a depot or bought at a larger scale for efficient reach.  The varying bus advertising formats offer options for all sized businesses.

Whilst it sounds simple, the buying of bus advertising can be cumbersome as there are multiple companies that own various territories and, in some cases, even overlap in some areas and it varies city to city and state to state, with contracts always changing.  That’s where an out of home advertising agency such as Multi Media provides immense experience and efficiency taking this hassle out of the equation to provide a strong recommendation.

Bus Shelter advertising:

Bus shelter advertising offers a combination of local impact as a static asset, higher dwell time for bus commuters and in the case of higher traffic roads, greater reach to motorists passing by in traffic.

Bus shelter advertising has many nuances and quirks to navigate from multiple suppliers to negotiating desired placements with increased visibility or properly understanding the evolution of digital bus shelter placements. These factors are extremely important in the success of your

Taxi Advertising:

Taxi advertising offers great efficiencies and affordability to get your brand out there.  They also offer an opportunity to drive cut-through to a corporate audience that are heavy users of taxi.  Taxi advertising also has a range of take-over formats that are designed to stand out and grab attention as they travel all over the city and beyond.

Train Advertising:

Train advertising offers a wide range of formats and opportunities from advertising on or within the trains themselves, to taking advantage of cross track billboards with higher dwell time, and placements within the station thoroughfare. Your brand can even make a big statement with various high impact takeover options at highly trafficked train stations.  Train advertising also can include the opportunity for sampling.  Speak to our OOH team about how train advertising can serve your goals.

Ferry Advertising:

Yes, you can advertise on ferries.  Ferry advertising can offer efficient advertising but also reach a locally targeted audience outside of their area.  For instance, an example for the Sydney market is that ferries can allow your brand to target northern beaches commuters from Manly to the CBD each day, or areas of the East.

Shopping Centre Advertising:

Shopping centre advertising has multiple players, assets, and pricing to consider.  If your brand wants to utilise shopping centre advertising but are unfamiliar with the specific centres and which providers own what within, then you need an out of home advertising agency like Multi Media to plan and negotiate your shopping centre campaign for you.

From efficient higher reaching portrait screens (digilites) to big impact hanging showcase ads in high traffic areas, shopping centres have a range of formats to help you drive awareness and impact in a retail environment close to path to purchase.

Airport Advertising:

At Multi Media our out of home strategies are guided by rich audience insights from tools such as Nielsen and Roy Morgan.  Airports can be often overlooked but data shows that it is an excellent media for varying businesses to reach a highly desirable and targeted audience.  Airports are great when trying to reach the corporate or jet-setters domestic and internationally.

Office Advertising:

Trying to target the hard-to-reach B2B corporate market?  Office advertising campaigns executed well can provide the cut-through and consideration you need.  Multi Media are highly experienced when it comes to targeting and flighting your office advertising campaign within your media mix to achieve your campaign goals.

Scooter Advertising:

With many players in the Scooter advertising, which provider is the best in terms of value, execution, and creative options?  Don’t waste your time trying to find out the hard way.  Get your mobile scooter campaign on the road quickly and effectively with Multi Media.

University Advertising:

Want to target the hard-to-reach university student?  University campus advertising is a great way to guarantee your reach to this audience.  At Multi, we can cut out the stress of navigating the multiple campuses and take you through all the university advertising options at your disposal for your OOH media mix consideration and how to effectively integrate university advertising into your media mix.

Petrol Station Advertising:

When are people not distracted by their phones?  At the fuel pump of course.  Petrol station advertising is highly affordable and a chance to locally target commuters in a high dwell time no distraction environment with an audio-visual format.  You can also target customers with a digital screen before they head into shop and pay.

As you can see there are so many options to consider for a successful out-of-home advertising campaign. Its success lies within the detail, market knowledge and up-front negotiated value from buying power.  Don’t learn the hard way with out-of-home, speak to the team at Multi Media today.

Our Media Services

We do more than just buy media – we take our client’s data to create a communication strategy and media plan that takes into account seasonality, flighting, audience recall. Once we have the right formula of data, we negotiate and purchase the media on their behalf, and then audit the feedback – constantly adjusting to multiply results.