Print Advertising Agency Sydney

Print is not a dying platform many have predicted. Recent changes have shifted the way newspapers are distributing content moving many publications to online behind a pay wall, while also providing hard copy through the usual distribution channels.

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Regardless of the changes newspaper and print media retains high trust factors with consumers, with regional papers considered to be the most trustworthy, followed by national, community and then metropolitan mastheads. Research has shown the continued credibility and reputation is strong due to the regulations that are in place, and publishers must comply with laws and codes of practice.

In contrast, social media ‘news’ content are often considered “clickbait” and not factual, with respondents feeling that social media is less trustworthy. High levels of spam exist and unregulated, user generated content is not necessarily factual. This augers well for print media and advertisers, as consumers marry content to ads, and they are more trusted if content is reputable.

In terms of reach and cost efficiency in comparison to other platforms, print media is still competitive but continuity of appearance is essential in order to build reach and effective frequency levels.

An estimated 94 per cent of Australians still engage with news media, which represents 17.4 million people. A healthy 12.1 million people read print news media, while 15.7 million read digital news media, and 10.4 million read cross-platform. According to Roy Morgan, 15.7 million people read a newspaper either in print or digitally each day.

Print is a viable and very necessary platform for advertisers to create credibility in their product, and give their audience the ability to read about the product at their leisure and in more detail.
Print advertising is something the Multi Media team understand well. Our years of experience spans over 40 years working in this medium and we can advise you on what newspaper covers what town, region demographic and negotiate the best price. We can also provide integrated print and digital solutions, so that all facets of your target audience are covered.

Currently, the Herald Sun in Melbourne is the highest circulating newspaper in Australia, and The Australian is the highest national circulating newspaper. Some further information on newspapers in Australia is listed below and is sourced as “Readership” via Roy Morgan Research.

The Multi Media team can determine which newspapers are the best fit for your advertising needs, in terms of your goals and target audience. We are happy to assist with strategic planning for your next print advertising campaign.

Speak to our team today about creating a print advertising campaign for your business.

Our Media Services

We do more than just buy media – we take our client’s data to create a communication strategy and media plan that takes into account seasonality, flighting, audience recall. Once we have the right formula of data, we negotiate and purchase the media on their behalf, and then audit the feedback – constantly adjusting to multiply results.