When it comes to converting sales, email marketing is still ranked as the most effective channel over social media, SEO, and traditional media.

At Multi Media, we specialize in helping businesses set up a database while implementing strategies to actively build and nurture customers, ultimately leading to high conversions on email campaigns.

Multi Media also designs and creates impactful campaigns. All campaigns are analysed, and insights are applied to future campaigns based on results. But the power of email does not stop in the inbox, with tools available to extend the campaign from an inbox into the world of social media ensuring maximum reach and engagement across multiple platforms.

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What we do


Targeting is key to any great email marketing campaign. Businesses often neglect or overlook the importance of audience segmentation.


You cannot be successful in email marketing if you do not have a growing database. Multi Media have numerous strategies to help you grow your database.


To maximise your email database Multi develop a cohesive strategy that drives return and efficiencies.


At Multi Media, journey building is vital to nurturing customers through to purchasing your products or services.


From a knockout subject line that boosts open rate to curating perfectly tailored content that engages and converts, Multi Media ensure every aspect of your email campaign is designed for success.


In the world of CRM, marketers must tread carefully to avoid customers engagement declining or unsubscribing from communications.

Our Approach

At Multi Media we believe in developing an email marketing strategy that not only expands your database, but provides your customers with targeted and relevant content in an automated and responsible way. Our approach helps grow readers, ensures you retain your database and drives return on investment.

As we have extensive experience across numerous email marketing CRM platforms, Multi can execute our strategies within a client’s chosen platform. We do not believe in completely uprooting clients and their businesses to a new CRM platform because it is convenient to us. Our breadth of experience across multiple platforms does however equip us to make CRM platform recommendations if requested depending on the objectives of the business with email marketing.

Our Platform Experience

  • Hubspot
  • Mailchimp
  • Marketo
  • Salesforce
  • Campaign monitor