YouTube is more than just a video sharing platform and is proving to be a major influencer for some key demographics.

YouTube advertising is designed to increase brand recall, drive action, and inspire curiosity. We at Multi Media know how to capture users’ attention and keep it; and we know how to track if your video was the catalyst for the user to engage with or follow your brand.

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At Multi Media, we see YouTube as a powerful media channel especially for finding the hard-to-reach younger generations of consumers.

A study by Google showed that 70% of teenage and male YouTube viewers were influenced more by YouTubers than celebrities. Having a comprehensive understanding of how a brand’s audience is engaging with YouTube content is essential. Your ad needs to be placed in front of the correct audience to ensure brand awareness grows and is reinforced.

But it isn’t just the younger generations streaming YouTube and YouTube isn’t just consumed on mobile and PC.  According to Nielsen, 50% of ad-supported YouTube streaming now occurs via Connected TV.

What we do


YouTube provides a wide range of strategic opportunities to suit business objectives. Multi Media works with you to recommend the right media mix.


Multi Media can not only advise on best performing creative practices for YouTube, but create content for you as well.


Once we have developed and agreed on the strategy, we execute your campaign and optimise to drive the best performance.


Often overlooked is the power of YouTube content and how it can help your SEO and business.

Our Approach

At Multi Media, we work with your business on defining your audience and objectives to determine the best YouTube strategy to engage and convert.

Where you have creative challenges, we then work with you on how best to utilise your existing content for opportunities within YouTube along with recommending and potentially developing new creative for YouTube that is specifically designed to achieve your objectives.  With the assets available we will work through and recommend the right mix of YouTube ad formats to achieve your objectives.

Once the campaign is live, we will begin the optimisation process. This is designed to further refine the campaign performance to deliver the greatest return on your investment. Throughout this process we will share insights and the current campaign performance with you. Optimisation suggestions will be discussed and implemented through the campaign period. We can create a live dashboard that will allow you to view your campaign performance at any time. The metrics displayed in this dashboard can be customised to suit your needs.

YouTube FAQ

There is no minimum required spends to run campaigns on YouTube. However, a budget that is too small risks not achieving enough impact to achieve your goals. As part of our strategic development process, we will be able to recommend to you how much of your budget should be allocated to YouTube to best achieve your objectives.   It can typically be bought on a CPM (cost per thousand impressions) basis or CPV (Cost Per View) basis. YouTube’s billing and budget process is like Google Ads.

Depending on who you ask YouTube is either a performance media channel or a branding channel.  The reason for this, is because it has a variety of bidding strategies and targeting capabilities that allows it to be both. Therefore, it comes back to what your objectives are and how YouTube fits into your boarder media mix.

These are referred to as Bumper Ads.  They are non-skippable and bought on a CPM basis.

These are simply called non-skippable ads and are one of many YouTube formats on offer.  Speak to our team at Multi on how we can help you.

You can advertise on YouTube via Google Ads or Programmatically.  YouTube Advertising is always evolving and changing so it is worth engaging a YouTube Advertising Agency to execute YouTube campaigns to maximise the return your business investment.