Content marketing is about harnessing the power of a story. It attracts and converts customers through valuable, engaging and free content, and is part of any strategic marketing plan.

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We develop our content based around your audience and the platform it is being delivered. When it comes to social media content – one size does not fit all.

Our content strategy is made up of a combination of photos/images, video and the written word. Social media users are being flooded with marketing messages across every channel, and it takes strategy and expert execution to create content that grabs and keeps their attention.

We recall:

10% of what we read
20% of what we hear
30% of what we see
50% of what we see and hear

Images, movement, digital motion graphics and sound are all important elements used to capture the attention of your audience and stop them simply scrolling past your content.

Content development is central to social media marketing. It is important to pay attention to delivering new, unique and purposeful words and moments to engage existing audiences and attract new ones.

At Multi Media, we work closely with you to establish a unique look that adheres to your brand guidelines but also engages your target audience.

We take pride in creating original and idea-based content, and our research and audience insights help to not only shape the content but also how it is delivered.

When done right, content marketing creates long-term brand loyalty, provides valuable information to consumers, and creates a willingness to purchase products from the company in the future.

Contact Multi Media to discuss Multi Media creating dynamic and engaging social media content for your brand.

Our Social Media Services

Whether you are starting your Social Media Journey, need help expanding to a new social media channel or are looking to boost your results with Social Media, Multi Media are the Social Media Agency who can guide your Social Media campaigns.